Ottoman Civilization (2 Cilt Takım)
- Yazar
- Günsel Renda, Halil İnalcık
- Yayınevi
- T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı
- Dil
- İngilizce
- Sayfa s.
- 1166
The principal sociological theories on the concepts of culture and civilization in the broad sense can a guide to us in the determination of the concept of the Ottoman civilization. According to Elime Durkheim there are three basic factors determining the societal structure that is an organic whole: Communication (language and other instruments of communication); external conditions (demographic, economic realities) determining the societal life besides the will of the people; and normative rules such as customs and usageü, ethics and law. Also according to Radcliffe-Brown, who followed Durkheim, every society-culture is a certain system as a whole and should be treated as a system. According to this structural-functionalist concept, social relations and culture determine a certain social system in which they are found. Functional dependence among the components of the system determines the social relations.
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