Living Through the Words of Yaşar Kemal

Feridun Andaç
Şemsa Yeğin
Dünya Yayıncılık
Sayfa s.

Yaşar Kemal is an author whose novels have been translated into many languages and acclaimed by his readers worldwide. The world he created in his novels has brought a new look to the art of the contemporary novel. The mainland of his fiction reflects the condition humaine and the relationship of man and nature. Living Through the Words of Yaşar Kemal is an attempt to know the world this master of narrative has built from the material provided by a trandition coming through the ages.
You will follow his adventures on Andaç's voyage through the ways of narration and take a close look at the conditions where that very special world has been created and formed.
(Tanıtım Yazısı'ndan)

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