Exit Ghost
- Yazar
- Philip Roth
- Yayınevi
- Ada Kültür
- Dil
- İngilizce
- Sayfa s.
- 292
Like Rip Van Winkle returing to his hometown to find that all has changes, Nathan Zuckerman comes back to New York, the city he left eleven years before. Alone on his New Elegand mountain, Zuckerman has been nothing but a writer: no voices, no news, no tasks other than work and the enduring of old age.
The third connection is with Lonoff's would - be biographer, a young literary hound who will do and say nearly anything to het to Lonoff's "great secret." Suddenly involved, as he never with love, mourning, desire, and animısity, Zuckerman plays out an interior drama of vivid and poignant possibilities.
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