Essays In Ottoman History

Halil İnalcık
Eren Yayıncılık
Sayfa s.

Part I Historiograhy
1 Periods in Ottoman History
2 How to Read 'Ashık Pasha-zade's History

Part II Sultans and Policies
1 'Osman Ghazi's Siege of Nicaea and The Battle of Bapheus
2 Mehmed The Conqueror (1432-1481) and His Time
3 Decision making in the Ottoman State
4 The Rüznamçe Registers of the Kadıasker of Rumeli as preserved in the İstanbul Müftülük Archieves
5 Islamization of Ottoman laws on land and land tax
6 Tax collection, embezzlement and bribery in Ottoman finances
The Status of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch under the Ottomans
7 The Status of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch under the Ottomans

Part III Society and Economy
Islam in the Ottoman Empire
İstanbul: an Islamic City
Ottoman Galata, 1453-1553
Greeks in Ottoman Economy and Finances, 1453-1500
"Arab" Camel Drivers in Western Anatolia in the Fifteenth Centruy
The Question of the Closing of the Black Sea under the Ottomans

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